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Q. tinta- v. “to kindle, cause to spark” (Category: to Light, Kindle)

Q. tinta-, v. “to kindle, cause to spark, [ᴹQ.] make to spark” (Category: to Light, Kindle)
ᴱQ. tunda- “to kindle”

A word for “to kindle, cause to spark” (MR/388; PE17/69), a causative verb form based on the root √TIN (PE17/22, 69). Its most notable use is in the name Tintallë “(Star) Kindler” for Varda.

Conceptual Development: ᴹQ. tinta- “to kindle, make to spark” appeared in The Etymologies of the 1930s with the same derivation (Ety/TIN), and the verb’s introduction probably coincided with Tolkien’s invention of Varda’s sobriquet.

Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I’d limit this verb’s use to “kindle” = “make a spark”. For “kindle” = “set on fire” I’d instead use [ᴹQ.] narta-.

References ✧ MR/388, 471; PE17/22, 69; SA/tin




tin- “to spark, glitter” ✧ PE17/69
-ta “causative verb suffix”
TIN “sparkle, spark” ✧ PE17/69

Element In


Phonetic Developments

TIN > tinta- [tinta-] ✧ PE17/22
tin- > tinta [tinta-] ✧ SA/tin

ᴹQ. tinta- v. “to kindle, make to spark” (Category: to Light, Kindle)

See Q. tinta- for discussion.

Reference ✧ Ety/TIN ✧ “to kindle, make to spark”

Element In


Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√TIN > tinta- [tinta-] ✧ Ety/TIN