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Q. róma n. “horn” (Category: Horn, Trumpet)

Q. róma, n. “[ᴹQ.] loud sound, trumpet-sound, *blare; [Q.] horn” (Category: Horn, Trumpet)
ᴱQ. rambë¹ “shout, blare”
ᴱQ. róma “upward path, mountain side, (mountain) slope, alp”

A word glossed “horn” in the Quendi and Eldar essay of 1959-60 in phrases like Q. róma Oroméva “Orome’s horn” (WJ/368), clearly a reference to Q. Valaróma (S/29). In The Etymologies of the 1930s, however, ᴹQ. róma was glossed “loud sound, trumpet-sound” under the root ᴹ√ROM “loud noise, horn blast” (Ety/ROM). In The Etymologies the word for “horn” was ᴹQ. romba, a word that also appeared as Q. romba “horn, trumpet” later in the Quendi and Eldar essay (WJ/400).

Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya I would use róma mainly for horn blasts and trumpet sounds. I would only use it for “horn” metaphorically in words like Valaróma, and for the ordinary word for “horn” I would use romba.

Conceptual Development: The Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s had ᴱQ. likinne and [lik]inde “blowing of horns”, both elaborations of ᴱQ. likin “(curled) horn” (QL/54).

References ✧ WJ/368


Element In


ᴹQ. róma n. “loud sound, trumpet-sound” (Category: Horn, Trumpet)

See Q. róma for discussion.

References ✧ Ety/ROM; EtyAC/ROM




Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√ROM > róma [rōma] ✧ Ety/ROM

ᴱQ. likinne n. “blowing of horns” (Category: Horn, Trumpet)

See Q. róma for discussion.

References ✧ QL/54




likin “horn, curled horn” ✧ QL/54
