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ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] yeren n. “pig iron, *ore” (Category: Iron)

ᴺQ. [ᴱQ.] yeren, n. “pig iron, *ore” (Category: Iron)
See ᴱQ. yere(n) for discussion.


ᴱQ. yere(n) n. “pig iron” (Category: Iron)

A word appearing as ᴱQ. ’yere or yeren “pig iron” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, under the early root ᴱ√DYEÐE (QL/105). ᴱQ. yĕrĕ(n) was also mentioned in the contemporaneous Gnomish Lexicon in the entry for G. ger “ore, metal” (GL/38).

Neo-Quenya: In a 2024-08-17 post in the Vinyë Lambengolmor Discord Server (VLDS), Luinyelle suggested restoring ᴺQ. yeren with the added meaning “*ore”, based on G. ger “ore, metal”. Presumably these words would be derived from a Neo-Root ᴺ√GYEREN.

References ✧ GL/38; QL/105



Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√DYEÐE > ’yere [dʲeðē] > [dʲeðe] > [dʲeze] > [dʲere] > [jere] ✧ QL/105