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ᴹQ. tet(ta) n. “baby” (Category: Infant)

⚠️ᴹQ. tet(ta), 1R1'E n. “baby” (Category: Infant)
Q. vinimo “baby, little-one”

A word in the Declension of Nouns of the early 1930s glossed “baby” with short and long variants tet and tetta (PE21/19).

Conceptual Development: The Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s had ᴱQ. tyetl “a tiny baby” under the early root ᴱ√TYETE “give suck” (QL/50), a word that also appeared in the Poetic and Mythological Words of Eldarissa with the gloss “babe” (PME/50). This became ᴱQ. tetta “baby” in Early Qenya Word-lists of the 1920s (PE16/135), and finally tet/tetta in the Declension of Nouns of the early 1930s as noted above. There are no signs of this word thereafter.

References ✧ PE21/19, 24




tetullo ablative ✧ PE21/24
teta accusative ✧ PE21/24
tetta allative; assimilated ✧ PE21/24
tetunta allative ✧ PE21/24
tetanen instrumental ✧ PE21/24
tetumet instrumental dual ✧ PE21/24
tetesse locative ✧ PE21/24
tetse locative; assimilated ✧ PE21/24
tet nominative ✧ PE21/24
tetsin nominative plural ✧ PE21/24
tetulin nominative plural ✧ PE21/24
tetuva possessive ✧ PE21/24
tetanon similative ✧ PE21/24
tetundon similative ✧ PE21/24

ᴱQ. tetta n. “baby” (Category: Infant)

See ᴹQ. tet(ta) for discussion.

Reference ✧ PE16/135 ✧ “baby”

ᴱQ. tyetl n. “babe, a tiny baby” (Category: Infant)

See ᴹQ. tet(ta) for discussion.

References ✧ PME/50; QL/50



Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√TYETE > tyetl [tʲetlǝ] > [tʲetl] > [tʲetḷ] > [tʲetḷ] ✧ QL/50