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Q. mai-² v. (irregular-verb) “to have, possess” (Category: to Have)

⚠️Q. mai-², v. (irregular-verb) “to have, possess” (Category: to Have)
Q. #sam- “to have”
Q. #harya- “to have, [ᴹQ.] possess”

References ✧ PE22/148



maita ? ✧ PE22/148: part[iciple]
mai aorist ✧ PE22/148
mai(l)me aorist 1st-pl-exclusive ✧ PE22/148
mai(l)ve aorist 1st-pl-inclusive ✧ PE22/148
mai(l)we aorist 1st-pl-inclusive ✧ PE22/148
main(ye) aorist 1st-sg ✧ PE22/148
mán(ye) aorist 1st-sg ✧ PE22/148
mail(de) aorist 2nd-pl ✧ PE22/148
mailtye aorist 2nd-sg-familiar ✧ PE22/148
mait(ye) aorist 2nd-sg-familiar ✧ PE22/148
mainte aorist 3rd-pl ✧ PE22/148
maise aorist 3rd-sg ✧ PE22/148
mauva future ✧ PE22/148
manna passive-participle ✧ PE22/148: part[iciple]
maine past ✧ PE22/148
mange past ✧ PE22/148
manne past ✧ PE22/148
amáye perfect ✧ PE22/148


Phonetic Developments

MAGA > mai [magi] > [maɣi] > [mai] ✧ PE22/148