My analysis of the Old Noldorin phonology is based mainly on David Salo’s work on it and the Old Sindarin language in A Gateway to Sindarin (GS/31-72). I have taken a first pass at working out the basic phonetic rules for the development from Primitive Elvish through Old Noldorin to Noldorin, but I not yet compared it to the phonology of later Old Sindarin or earlier Gnomish, nor to its real-world counterpart Old Welsh.
unstressed initial syllables reduced to favored clusters |
[{ptkpʰtʰkʰbdgm}V₁{rl}V́₁-] |
> |
[{ptkpʰtʰkʰbdgm}ø{rl}V́₁-] |
00100 |
[ms], [ns] became [ss] |
[ns] |
> |
[ss] |
00200 |
labialized velars became labials |
[kw|kʰw-|gw|ŋgw] |
> |
[p|pʰ-|b|mb] |
00300 |
[j] was lost after initial dentals |
[{ttʰdnl}j-] |
> |
[{ttʰdnl}-] |
00400 |
[ln] became [ll] |
[ln] |
> |
[ll] |
00500 |
final voiceless stops and [s] vanished in polysyllables |
[-{ptks}] |
> |
[-ø] |
00600 |
final i-diphthongs became long [ī] in polysyllables |
[-SVi|-Sui] |
> |
[-Sī|-Sui] |
00700 |
initial and intervocalic [ŋ] vanished |
[ŋ-|VŋV] |
> |
[ø-|VøV] |
00800 |
first in pair of voiced stops vocalized |
[Vb{bdg}|Vg{bdg}] |
> |
[Vu{bdg}|V̄ø{bdg}] |
00900 |
[ɣ] and [ŋ] became [g] before nasals |
[ɣ{mn}] |
> |
[g{mn}] |
01000 |
[ē], [ō] became [ī], [ū] |
[ē|ō] |
> |
[ī|ū] |
01100 |
[ɣ] vanished |
[ɣ|VɣC] |
> |
[ø|V̄øC] |
01200 |
[j] was lost after initial velars |
[{kkʰg}j-|skj-|ŋgj] |
> |
[{kkʰg}-|sk-|ŋg] |
01300 |
medial [m] became [n] before [j], [w] |
[m{jw}] |
> |
[n{jw}] |
01400 |
initial [ml], [mr] became [bl], [br] |
[m{lr}-] |
> |
[b{lr}-] |
01500 |
initial syllabic [m], [n], [ŋ] became [am], [an], [aŋ] |
[{ṃṇŋ̣}-] |
> |
[a{mnŋ}-] |
01600 |
voiceless stops were voiced before nasals |
[{ptk}{mn}] |
> |
[{bdg}{mn}] |
01700 |
[m] became [w] after aspirates |
[{ptk}ʰm] |
> |
[{ptk}ʰw] |
01800 |
[tʰn] became [ttʰ] |
[tʰn] |
> |
[ttʰ] |
01900 |
final [d] spirantalized and vanished |
[-Vd] |
> |
[-V̄ø] |
02000 |
final [tʰ] became [t] |
[-tʰ] |
> |
[-t] |
02100 |
[ht] became [tt] |
[ht] |
> |
[tt] |
02200 |
medial [sj], [sw] became [xʲ], [xʷ] |
[-s{jw}-] |
> |
[-x{jw}-] |
02300 |
long final vowels were shortened |
[-SV̄] |
> |
[-SV̆] |
02400 |
[z] became [i] before [d], [g] and [u] before [b] |
[z{bdg}] |
> |
[i{bdg}] |
02500 |
final [e] became [a] after single [s] and [st] |
[-se|-ste|-sse] |
> |
[-sa|-sta|-sse] |
02600 |
[eu], [iu] became [ū] |
[{eu|iu}] |
> |
[ū] |
02700 |
[ā], [au] became [ǭ] |
[ā|au] |
> |
[ǭ] |
02800 |
final [ǝ] was lost after [l, r, n, s], otherwise it became [a] |
[-ǝ|-{lrns}ǝ] |
> |
[-a|-{lrns}ø] |
02900 |
[ǣ] became [ai] |
[ǣ] |
> |
[ai] |
03000 |
[ǣ], [ai] became [ę̄] |
[ǣ|ai] |
> |
[ę̄] |
03100 |
[j] became [i] after vowels |
[VjV|-Vj] |
> |
[ViV|-Vi] |
03200 |
[ei], [ou] became [ī], [ou] |
[ei|ou] |
> |
[ī|ou] |
03300 |
[ei], [ou] became [oi], [ū] |
[ei|ou] |
> |
[oi|ū] |
03400 |
[oi], [ǭi] became [ui] |
[{oǭ}i] |
> |
[ui] |
03500 |
voiceless stops aspirated after consonants except [s] |
[{ptkmnŋlr}{ptk}] |
> |
[{ptkmnŋlr}{ptk}ʰ] |
03600 |
aspirates became voiceless spirants |
[{ptk}ʰ|{ptk}{ptk}ʰ] |
> |
[{ɸθx}|{ɸθx}{ɸθx}] |
03700 |
voiceless stops became spirants after initial [s] |
[s{ptk}-] |
> |
[s{ɸθx}-] |
03800 |
initial [s] unvoiced following [m], [n], [j], [w] |
[s{jwmn}-] |
> |
[{j̊w̥m̥n̥}-] |
03900 |
medial [s] assimilated to following nasal or liquid |
[-V{sm|sn|sl|sr}-] |
> |
[-V{mm|nn|ll|rr}-] |
04000 |
intervocalic [s] became [h] |
[VsV] |
> |
[VhV] |
04100 |
initial [s] became [θ] before [l], [r] |
[s{lr}-] |
> |
[θ{lr}-] |
04200 |
initial [s] unvoiced following [l], [r] |
[s{lr}-] |
> |
[{l̥r̥}-] |
04300 |
[p], [t], [k] spirantalized before [s] |
[ps|ts|ks] |
> |
[ɸs|θθ|xs] |
04400 |
[j] vanished before [i], [ui] |
[ji|jui] |
> |
[i|ui] |
04500 |
[w] vanished before [u] |
[{uw|wu}] |
> |
[u] |
04600 |
voiced stops became nasals before nasals |
[{bdg}{mn}] |
> |
[{mnŋ}{mn}] |
04700 |