Q. i² pron. “who, what, which, that (relative pronoun)” (Category: Pronoun)
- Q. i², pron. “who, what, which, that (relative pronoun)” (Category: Pronoun)
References ✧ CPT/1297-1298; PE22/154, 158, 162, 168; RGEO/60; UT/305, 317; VT42/33; VT43/13-14, 21, 34; VT49/8, 12, 27-28; WJ/391
- i² “who, what, which, that (relative pronoun)” has a similar function to ya “which, that (relative pronoun)”
- i² “who, what, which, that (relative pronoun)” is possibly (originally) the plural of ye “who”
Element In
- ᴺQ. !anahtai “although, even though, (lit.) against-that-which”
- ᴺQ. !astai “whereas, (lit.) beside-that-which”
- Q. Átaremma i ëa han Eä “our Father who art in Heaven” ✧ VT43/9; VT43/11; VT43/12; VT43/12
- Q. i aluvar coivienyo ëarello nantulë “that never in my life will return from the Sea” ✧ CPT/1297; CPT/1298
- Q. ita “that which, what” ✧ VT49/12
- Q. nai “maybe; be it that, may it be that; perhaps, it may be, there is a chance or possibility” ✧ RGEO/60
- Q. sív’ emmë apsenet tien i úcarir emmen “as we forgive those who trespass against us” ✧ VT43/12
- Q. á hyamë rámen úcarindor “pray for us sinners” ✧ VT43/27
- Q. ar i Eru i or ilyë mahalmar ëa tennoio “and of the One who is above all thrones for ever” ✧ UT/305
- Q. epetai “consequently, thereupon, thence, whereupon, (lit.) following which (fact)” ✧ VT49/8
- Q. i carir quettar ómainen “those who form words with voices” ✧ WJ/391
- Q. lá carita i hamil mára alasaila ná “not to do (in this case) what you judge good (would be) unwise” ✧ PE22/154; VT42/33
- Q. nai tiruvantes i hárar mahalmassen mi Númen “in the keeping of those who sit upon thrones of the West” ✧ UT/305
- Q. savin Elessar ar i nánë aran Ondórëo “I believe that E[lessar] really existed and that he was a King of Gondor” ✧ PE22/158; VT49/27
- Q. savin i Elessarno quetië naitë “I believe that the words of A[ragorn] are true” ✧ PE22/158; VT49/28
- Q. umbë nin i hríve nauva urra (si loa) “I have a feeling that winter will be bad (this year)” ✧ PE22/168
- Q. vá caris i “he is not to do it (now or ever); in any case (whatever may be said, desired, or may occur to the contrary) he is not to
do this” ✧ PE22/162
- Q. vá caruvas i “*he is not to do it (in the future)” ✧ PE22/162
ᴹQ. i² pron. “that, what (relative pronoun)” (Category: Pronoun)
References ✧ PE22/118, 124; PE23/78, 86, 92, 97-99, 111; VT27/7
- “[of things and persons] anaphoric, provides the stem of the article and relative” ✧ PE23/98 (ī ̆)
- “[of time] is anaphoric only, less definite than ta, and usually relative” ✧ PE23/97 (ī̆)
- “referential particle” ✧ PE23/86
- “relative” ✧ PE23/97 (ī̆)
- “similar [to sa] but less precise, and is frequently used as a relative, or correlative referring back” ✧ PE23/97 (ī̆)
- “that” ✧ PE22/124; PE23/92; PE23/98; PE23/99; VT27/7
- “what” ✧ PE23/78
- ī̆ “relative” is less definite than sa “[of time] refers only to a time already in mind or under discussion” ✧ PE23/97
Element In
- ᴹQ. í “when, whenever, at the time mentioned (relative)”
- ᴹQ. ilde “*like that (relative)”
- ᴹQ. ilka “*as much as, as great as”
- ᴹQ. illi “as many as”
- ᴹQ. illume “when, whenever, at the time that” ✧ PE23/97
- ᴹQ. íma “such as”
- ᴹQ. ímen “*aiming at that (relative)”
- ᴹQ. inan “(relative) at the time mentioned, at the same time”
- ᴹQ. in(de) “as, as much as”
- ᴹQ. ine “the one who, the one that”
- ᴹQ. ínen “*by means of that (relative)” ✧ PE23/111
- ᴹQ. inikka “*as small as”
- ᴹQ. iro “*for that reason (relative)”
- ᴹQ. isse “where [relative]” ✧ PE23/111
- ᴹQ. A lámie na B/thenna ye ethequente ‘sie makiletya i keróvie, tuvo te’; ye B ethetúvie “A called to B/him and said to him/B: ‘here is the sword that you lost, take it’; and B/he took it” ✧ PE23/92
- ᴹQ. há la i ni·taltane “thát’s not what I meant (referring to something said)” ✧ PE23/78
- ᴹQ. he·meruvar i Túro kárathe “they will wish that T. is (then) making it” ✧ PE22/118
- ᴹQ. i·mbar i Túro karne “the house that Túro built” ✧ PE23/98
- ᴹQ. ina “the one that; the fact (that)” ✧ PE23/86
- ᴹQ. indon “as” ✧ PE23/111
- ᴹQ. inie “she, the woman referred to” ✧ PE23/86; PE23/86 (ĭre)
- ᴹQ. ino “he, the man referred to” ✧ PE23/86 (ĭno)
- ᴹQ. íqa “when, whenever” ✧ PE23/97
- ᴹQ. le·merne i ni·karnéte “you wished that I had made (lit. made) it” ✧ PE22/118
- ᴹQ. malkar i·aldar i·ólar nóressella “how great are the trees that grow in your land?” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. manar i·ennor/lie i me·kenner “who (are or were) the persons/people that we saw?” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. me·merner i Túro kárathe “we wished that Turo was making it” ✧ PE22/118
- ᴹQ. me·merner i Túro tule “we wished that Turo come” ✧ PE22/118
- ᴹQ. mennai Orome tanna lende i erenekkoitanie “until Orome came hither that he might awake them” ✧ VT27/7
- ᴹQ. ni·mere in e·karithe “I wish him to do it/that he do(es) it” ✧ PE22/118
- ᴹQ. ni·mere in e·tule “I wish him to come/that he come(s)” ✧ PE22/118
- ᴹQ. sí tina·mbar (i l’eqétie) “now this house (of yours) that you have mentioned” ✧ PE23/99
- ᴹQ. vahaia nóre ëa i a-esta Valinor “far away (there) is a land called Valinor” ✧ PE22/124
ᴹ√I¹ “that (deictic particle); [ᴱ√] here it is, root of relatives” ✧ PE23/96 (ī̆)