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Q. ola- v. (a-verb) “to become” (Category: Time (period))

Q. ola-, v. (a-verb) “to become; [ᴹQ.] to grow (up)” (Category: Time (period))

An a-verb ola- appeared with the gloss “grow” in the Quenya Verbal System (QVS) of 1948 (PE22/113, 125), replacing ᴹQ. ala- of the same meaning (PE22/113 note #80). In the same document Tolkien coined a distinct basic verb ᴹQ. ol- “become” (PE22/113). Various other inflections throughout the document belonged to one or the other of these verbs. There are glosses indicating that Tolkien was not entirely certain of the distribution of meaning between the two, however. For example, he had ᴹQ. olinwa (not *olanwa) with the sense “fully grown, adult” (PE22/116). Also ola- was given both a weak and strong past tense: olane “grew, were growing” and óle “grew, finished growing, grew up, became” (PE22/116), as opposed to the past tense of ol- which was olle “became” (PE22/103).

In QVS the perfect form of both verbs were the same: (ol)ólie “it has grown up, it has reached its prime, become” (PE22/103, 116), and such similarity of inflected forms may have been the basis for the confusion of meanings. The perfect form olōlie “has become” reappeared in Common Eldarin: Verb Structure of the early 1950s (PE22/133), and again could be from either verb. However, in that document Tolkien had a primitive a-verb ᴹ✶olā- “become, come into being, turn into (another state)”, appearing along with a restored ᴹ✶galā-, which had the more limited sense “grow (of plants)” (PE22/134).

Q. ala- “grow” continued to appear in Tolkien’s latter writings, but its root was usually connected more specifically to the growth of plants (PE17/25, 135, 153). In the various versions of the Löa Yucainen poem from the 1950s, Tolkien had ólar and ólaner “grew” with long ó and applied to trees (CPT/1296-8). In notes from around 1959, Tolkien had several more words indicating that √OL continued to be the basis of growth-words for people: Q. olmen “growth-year”, Q. olmië “growth” and Q. quantolië “maturity” (NM/84, 119-120).

Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I would use just the a-verb ola- with the sense “grow (up); grow into or become”. It can be used intransitively with people and animals with the sense “grow (up)” as in i Elda olane lintavë “the Elf grew quickly”. For plants, however, I would ala- as the normal word for “grow” (see that entry for discussion). Used transitively, the verb ola- has the sense “grow into or become”, as in i Elda olólie nisse “the Elf has become/grown into a woman”. In this sense it can also apply to inanimate or abstract things: i taure olane ráva yonde “the forest became a lawless region”. Thus ola- refers to the process of growing, maturing and transitioning. If it has a direct object, that object is the thing one grows into or becomes.

Note that this verb is similar in form to óla- “to dream”, but confusion is unlikely since “dream” is an impersonal verb, where the putative subject would be in the dative: óla i Eldan “the Elf dreams, (lit.) dreams [come] to the Elf”, as opposed to i Elda ola lumba “the Elf becomes/grows weary”. To avoid confusion, I would also use ola- “grow, become” only with short rather than long ó.

References ✧ CPT/1296, 1298; PE22/133



ólar aorist plural “grew” ✧ CPT/1296
ólaner past plural “grew” ✧ CPT/1298
olōlie perfect “has become” ✧ PE22/133

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ᴹQ. ol- v. (basic-verb) “to become” (Category: Become)

See Q. ola- for discussion.

References ✧ PE22/99-100, 103, 113, 116




oli- aorist   ✧ PE22/113
ŏlē̆- aorist “become” ✧ PE22/99
ŏlĕ aorist   ✧ PE22/99
olle past “became” ✧ PE22/103
olólie perfect   ✧ PE22/103
ólie perfect   ✧ PE22/103
olinwa perfective-participle “fully grown, adult” ✧ PE22/116
ōla present “is becoming” ✧ PE22/100

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Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√OL > olle [onle] > [olle] ✧ PE22/103

ᴹQ. ola- v. (a-verb) “to grow [up]” (Category: to Grow)

See Q. ola- for discussion.

References ✧ PE22/107, 109, 111, 113, 116, 124-125; PE23/83





olea active-participle “growing, living (of plants etc.)” ✧ PE22/111
olárea active-participle “growing” ✧ PE22/116
ōlat aorist dual “are growing” ✧ PE23/83
olar aorist plural “grow” ✧ PE22/116
ólar aorist plural “grow” ✧ PE22/124
olaryane consuetudinal-past   ✧ PE22/116: was not much used [for this class of verbs]
oláva future   ✧ PE22/109
oláva future “will go on growing, will grow” ✧ PE22/116
oláre gerund “growing” ✧ PE22/116
olarya imperfect-participle “growing” ✧ PE22/107; PE22/107
olane past “grew, were growing” ✧ PE22/116
óle past; strong-past “grew, finished growing, grew up, became” ✧ PE22/116
(ol)ólie perfect “it has grown up, it has reached its prime, become” ✧ PE22/116
ōla- present “is growing” ✧ PE22/116: strong present
ólar present plural “is ... growing” ✧ PE22/116

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Phonetic Developments

ᴹ✶golā > ola- [gola-] > [ɣola-] > [ola-] ✧ PE22/113