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Q. me pron. “us (exclusive)” (Category: Pronoun)

Q. me, pron. “us (exclusive)” (Category: Pronoun)

References ✧ LotR/377; Minor-Doc/2013-05-13; PE17/14, 73, 76, 130, 135; PE23/134; RGEO/58-59; VT43/18-19, 22-23, 33; VT44/5, 9, 15, 18; VT47/11; VT49/51






mello ablative “*[from] us” ✧ VT43/19
me(n) dative “*us” ✧ VT43/33
men dative   ✧ Minor-Doc/2013-05-13
men dative “*us” ✧ VT43/18; VT43/33
men dative “*[for] us” ✧ VT43/19; VT43/22
men dative   ✧ VT44/5
men dative “*on us” ✧ VT44/15
ómen dative “*on us” ✧ VT44/15
met dual “us” ✧ LotR/377
met dual “us two, us twain” ✧ PE17/73
met dual “she and me, we (dual)” ✧ PE17/76: archaic and exclusive
met dual “1st person dual exclusive pronoun” ✧ PE17/130
met dual “us two” ✧ PE17/135: “Varda and me”, excluding those to whom Galadriel is singing
met dual “her and Varda” ✧ PE23/134
met dual “us-two” ✧ RGEO/59: Varda and Galadriel
met dual “you and me” ✧ VT47/11
met dual “Dual 1[a]” ✧ VT49/51
mèt dual “us” ✧ RGEO/58
m’ elided   ✧ VT43/23
(o)messe locative “*on us” ✧ VT44/15
omesse locative “*on us” ✧ VT44/15
ómesse locative “*on us” ✧ VT44/15

Element In


Phonetic Developments

mē̆ > me [me] ✧ PE17/130
me > [mē] ✧ VT49/51

ᴹQ. me pron. “we, us” (Category: Pronoun)

References ✧ LR/47, 56; PE22/112, 118-119, 123-124, 127; PE23/75, 77, 79-80, 88, 91, 93, 97-98, 102; SD/310





mel ? “us” ✧ LR/47
mēne ? “on-us” ✧ SD/310
-me(n) accusative “pl. 1 a.” ✧ PE23/75
-me(n) accusative “pl. 1 a.” ✧ PE23/77
accusative “pl. 1a” ✧ PE23/79
-me(t) accusative dual “dual 2 [a.]” ✧ PE23/77
-met accusative dual “dual 1 a.” ✧ PE23/75
met accusative dual “dual 1a” ✧ PE23/80
ména adjectival “pl. 1a” ✧ PE23/79
méva adjectival “pl. 1a” ✧ PE23/79
metwa adjectival dual “dual 1a” ✧ PE23/80
a)me dative “pl. 1 a.” ✧ PE23/77
dative “pl. 1 a.” ✧ PE23/77
mén dative “pl. 1a” ✧ PE23/79
·me dative “pl. 1 a.” ✧ PE23/75; PE23/75
ment dative dual “dual 1a” ✧ PE23/80
meo(n) genitive “pl. 1a” ✧ PE23/79
meon genitive   ✧ PE23/102
méto genitive dual “dual 1a” ✧ PE23/80
ménen instrumental “pl. 1a” ✧ PE23/79
me-sse(n) locative “pl. 1a” ✧ PE23/79
me-sset locative dual “dual 1a” ✧ PE23/80
me· nominative “pl. 1 a.” ✧ PE23/75
me· nominative “pl. 1 a.” ✧ PE23/77
nominative “pl. 1a” ✧ PE23/79
méme nominative “pl. 1a” ✧ PE23/79
mémet nominative dual “dual 1a” ✧ PE23/80
mēt nominative dual “dual 1a” ✧ PE23/80
miet stative dual   ✧ PE22/123
mier stative plural   ✧ PE22/123
ménet stative-past dual   ✧ PE22/123
méner stative-past plural   ✧ PE22/123

Element In


ᴱQ. me¹ pron. “we; 1st pl. exclusive pronoun” (Category: Pronoun)

References ✧ PE14/52-54, 56, 59, 85




mello ablative   ✧ PE14/54
me accusative   ✧ PE14/53
mer dative   ✧ PE14/53
mer dative “to us” ✧ PE14/85
men genitive   ✧ PE14/53

Element In