Q. quet- v. (basic-verb) “to say, speak, tell” (Category: to Say)
- Q. quet-, v. (basic-verb) “to say, speak, tell, ⚠️[ᴹQ.] mention, [ᴱQ.] talk” (Category: to Say)
References ✧ PE17/40, 126, 137-138, 160, 167, 181; PE22/158; PM/401, 404; SA/quen; VT41/6, 11, 13; VT49/11, 19, 28
- quet- “to say, speak, tell” versus nyar- “to relate, recite”
- pakta- “speak, talk (intransitive)” [versus] transitive is qet- ✧ PE17/126
Element In
- ᴺQ. !apaquet- “to forebode, foretell, predict”
- ᴺQ. !asquétima “easy to say”
- ᴺQ. !etequet- “to confess, speak out”
- ᴺQ. !hanquet- “to answer, *respond”
- ᴺQ. !lanquet- “to converse, debate, *discuss”
- ᴺQ. !lanquetta “conversation, debate, interchange of words”
- ᴺQ. !meluquetya “sweet-speaking person, flatterer”
- ᴺQ. !mirquet- “to persuade, (lit.) into-talk”
- ᴺQ. !nanquet-¹ “to talk back, speak against”
- ᴺQ. !nanquet-² “to answer”
- ᴺQ. ^nenquet- “to condescend, (orig.) speak down the nose”
- ᴺQ. !ulquet- “to accuse”
- Q. alaquenta “well (happily) said”
- Q. ataquetië “saying again, repetition”
- Q. endaquet- “to answer”
- Q. enquet- “to repeat, say again”
- Q. istan quetë “I can speak, I know how to speak”
- Q. láquet- “to deny (fact or accusation); (lit.) to say ‘it is not’”
- Q. loiquetë “mistake in speech”
- Q. #maquet- “*to question, ask”
- Q. naiquet- “to curse or blaspheme”
- Q. náquet- “to assent, agree (on fact); (lit.) to say ‘it is’”
- Q. polin quetë “I can speak, I am able to speak” ✧ PE17/181; VT41/6
- Q. Quendë “Elf, (lit.) One That Speaks”
- Q. queta Quenya “speak Quenya” ✧ PE17/137; PE17/138
- Q. quetë Quenya “*speaks Quenya” ✧ PE17/138
- Q. #quétima “speakable, pronounceable, *able to be said”
- Q. sáquet- “I will, to agree (to do); (lit.) to say ‘yes’”
- Q. tóquet- “to answer”
- Q. váquet- “to refuse, forbid, prohibit; (lit.) to say no, to say ‘I will not or do not’”
- Q. cé mo quetë ulca “*if one speaks evil” ✧ VT49/19
- Q. lertan quetë “I can speak, I am free to speak” ✧ PE17/160; VT41/6
- Q. náner ataformaitë ve fírimor quetir “*were ambidextrous as mortals say” ✧ VT49/6
- Q. órenya quéta nin “my heart is saying to me” ✧ VT41/13
- Q. órenya quetë nin “my heart tells me” ✧ VT41/11
- Q. quenten tulil márië nin “I said: you come happily (for me)” ✧ PE22/158
- Q. quentë Quengoldo “Thus spoke Pengoloð” ✧ PM/404
- Q. quetië “words” ✧ PE22/158; VT49/28
- Q. quetir en “they still say” ✧ PE17/167
- Q. sin quentë Quendingoldo Elendilenna “*thus Pengoloð said to Elendil” ✧ PM/401
Phonetic Developments
ᴹQ. qet- v. (basic-verb) “to say, tell, mention” (Category: to Say)
References ✧ PE22/118-119; PE23/86, 92, 94, 99, 103-104; SM/206
Element In
- ᴹQ. avaqet- “to refuse, forbid”
- ᴹQ. laqe[t]- “[unglossed]”
- ᴹQ. qeqetta- “to repeat, keep on saying”
- ᴹQ. qettima “utterable”
- ᴹQ. A ethe·quente andake he “A told him (or B) to kill him (C)” ✧ PE23/92
- ᴹQ. A ethe·quente kari he “A told him (or B) to make it” ✧ PE23/92
- ᴹQ. A lámie B ye B túlie ye A ethequente: sí makiletya keróvie, tuvo te ye B ethetúvie “A called to B {and} B/he came and A said to him: here is {your} the sword that you {had} lost[,] take it, and B took it”
✧ PE23/92
- ᴹQ. A lámie na B/thenna ye ethequente ‘sie makiletya i keróvie, tuvo te’; ye B ethetúvie “A called to B/him and said to him/B: ‘here is the sword that you lost, take it’; and B/he took it” ✧ PE23/92
- ᴹQ. A lámie thenna ye ethequente túvo he “A called to him and said take it” ✧ PE23/92
- ᴹQ. aquetin “one says to me, tells me, I am informed” ✧ PE23/94
- ᴹQ. arye qete arya “another man says something else” ✧ PE23/103
- ᴹQ. e·kestane ma leqente tana “he asked if you (had) said that” ✧ PE23/104
- ᴹQ. ethequente andake thé “he (A) told him (B) to kill himself (B)” ✧ PE23/92
- ᴹQ. inér e·qentes “it was he (the man) who said {that >>} it” ✧ PE23/86
- ᴹQ. le·qente mana “what did you say?” ✧ PE23/103
- ᴹQ. le·qente mana? “what did you say?” ✧ PE23/99
- ᴹQ. má le·qente? sa ela kenyuvas “[what did you say?] that he will not see it” ✧ PE23/104
- ᴹQ. ma le·qente tana “did you say that?” ✧ PE23/104
- ᴹQ. mana le·qente “what did you say?” ✧ PE23/103
- ᴹQ. ni qente (sa) e·tule “I said he is coming, I said (that) he was coming” ✧ PE22/119
- ᴹQ. ni qente (sa) e·tulle “I said he came, I stated that (at some time previous to my speaking) he came (but was no longer present)” ✧ PE22/119
- ᴹQ. ni qente (sa) e·utúlie “I said he had come” ✧ PE22/119
- ᴹQ. niqenteza “I said it” ✧ PE23/92
- ᴹQ. ni qete (sa) e·tule “I say (that) he is coming” ✧ PE22/119
- ᴹQ. **ni qetis tule “I tell him to come, say to him to come, bid him to come” ✧ PE22/118
- ᴹQ. ni·te·qete tule “I tell him to come, say to him to come, bid him to come” ✧ PE22/118
- ᴹQ. sí tina·mbar (i l’eqétie) “now this house (of yours) that you have mentioned” ✧ PE23/99